Sunday, March 4, 2012

diDictate software

 so finally getting around to giving the dictation software ago little bit exciting little bit frustrating but very very weird. Pretty nifty though and not too many mistakes so far.
 I suppose really I should update you from what happened since the last blog post since then I've had several x-rays and a bone scan full-bodied bone scan the brain scan showed some abnormalities inactivity in the bone in the humorous in my left arm I think also in my right and my right femur about halfway up and of course the site in my in my right shoulder it's strange since this news at any other time would probably have been devastating but since the brain tumours everything else seems kind of blown out of the water.

 I got home on Friday which is amazing very tired still made out a combination of all the drugs radiotherapy and the days of poor sleep on the ward is strange that I've already finished radiotherapy on the shoulder site I think they are quite high doses as it was quite red and raw after both times it's all right we have our creams and stuff so hopefully it'll be no permanent and nasty skin stuff I haven't experienced any terrible headaches since getting home or since beginning the radiotherapy on the brain and if anything my vision and coordination is better so that bodes well for everything, however at this point any improvement in neurological symptoms could well just be the dexamethasone which is the steroid I'm on reducing swelling so we won't really know of any long-term or permanent problems for at least a few weeks I am hopeful though. Makes all the difference in the world the other possible and just be at home with family though and I'm hoping to see friends again in the next few days I just spent a stupid large amount of money on the Internet last night's buying pretty clothes so it is my goal to be able to wear them out again by the time they arrive in the next 2 weeks “doing my head in most at the moment this is how open ended everything feels the moment before I could measure time in terms of rounds of chemo is and how long it would take me to recover enough to get back to seeing friends but there really isn't a plan as such is beyond next week or maybe the week after with radiotherapy is as it is loaded complete this lot on the brain is and then now have another PET scan-goodie!-To determine exactly what is happening in those other sites in my bones is not a certain thing that they are more tumours but considering the history and that the scapula popped up as it did makes it seem quite likely however my oncologist says now the other sites are nearly so hot as the shoulder blade site is so if they are cancerous there probably newer and less of a worry we just got a lovely gift from a family friend who is a delightful cook  who dropped by some curry and last night dropped by some home-made ice cream quite a treat you can imagine after being in hospital forbid over a week home-made food is extraordinary.

 I find it frustrating that the Internet is the best means I have of communicating such unfortunate news to my friends and family especially since I can't quite type making expressing myself adequately difficult but I feel much better having got the information out in the open I wish I could give you more details but we really don't know what the future has in store for us at the moment I'm just currently working on wearing my hands went which is this is bizarre contraption which wraps around my hand to keep my tendons from getting shrunk and useless and trying to remember to both local walks around the house so my left leg doesn't forget how to walk totally though as I said my orientation is significantly improved since a week ago it's very frustrating with all the rain a bit frightened of going outside the visible the stairs to get into the house and I've had a few falls mostly stemming from lack of coordination of my feet they have greater independence than I did which is an enormous relief I'm so grateful and lucky to receive the incredible support and love from family and friends and even complete strangers this  through this blog Facebook and Twitter  my Nana and  auntie actually visited for most of last week which was fantastic and we are hoping to see more relatives visit in March which will be lovely. I have also received some gorgeous letters and gifts in the mail and would like to take the opportunity to think people for their thoughts and generosity again here since writing individual messages is a bit difficult I am most particularly looking forward to recovering my eyesight properly again I do worry since the damage is not to lenses but instead to the brain that any lasting damage will not be fixed by glasses but will worry about that when we come to it at the moment just focusing on the treatment account and recovering my faculties and improving my energy..

 Thank you again everyone to extraordinary kindness you have shown your generous words mean the world and really do make everything is a bit brighter is.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there Katie - it's good to see you blogging in person again although of course I wish you had less difficult news to relate. best wishes from Melbourne, Shakira
