Monday, February 27, 2012

Not the news we wanted...

Hi everyone, Katie's dad here. Katie wants me to let you all know the results of her scans and what's happening at the moment.

The CT scan gave us some pretty devastating news. It turns out that the cancer has spread to her brain. They found four spots and it's these that are causing the problems with her arms and legs. They think that one of the lesions had a bleed and that's what caused the terrible headaches she started getting a couple of weeks ago. They also found that she's got another tumour in her right shoulder-blade, but that seems minor by comparison.

This situation means her last round of chemotherapy is cancelled and all focus is on dealing with the brain cancer. Today she's been in the radiotherapy suite for a planning session and to have a special mask made that will hold her head precisely in place for the radiotherapy. Tomorrow they'll give her a dose for her shoulder-blade, then the brain treatment will start on Thursday and go for ten sessions over the following few weeks. We've been told the brain radiotherapy should be very effective, and in fact she should start to see improvements pretty soon after it starts. She'll get back more use of her left arm and leg, but we won't know just how much until it happens.

Katie is really looking forward to getting out of hospital and that could happen in the next day or two with a bit of luck (she can do the radiotherapy as an outpatient). She's also looking forward to being able to write her blog herself.


  1. Katie, that's really tough news to hear. The plus side is knowing what's been causing the arm and leg pain. And you're right in there with a new plan and starting up some treatment to zap these new spots. Courageous adaptability at the very least!

    We in the West are glad to hear you're looking forward to getting out of hospital soon. Sure, it will make your secretary Mr FiddlyBits unemployed but that's a good thing I think. He writes well, but has yet to capture your unique writing idiom ;-)

    I'll close with a joke for your brother. It will help you detect how he's going in his new course. No laugh means he hasn't had the LHC lecture yet (or the joke ain't funny...).
    "A Higgs Boson walks into a church. The priest looks up and says "I'm sorry we don't allow your type in here. The Higgs Boson replies "But without me, how can you have Mass?"

  2. I have been to Mass, Mr Noel Edge! I was lucky that my type was allowed in. Katie, keep up the good spirit. We are all hoping and praying of the very best for you. I love the "FiddleBits" name for dear Doug. Noel sounds like a real character. Love to you all as always. Sandra xx

  3. I hope the first radiotherapy goes well today Katie — good that they can get started on it so promptly.

    Lovely thoughts Sandra, and well done for getting along to Mass.

    P.S. I can see that "FiddleBits" would suit Mr Secretary, but I went for "Fiddly Bits" to suggest his delight in and attention to detail, embellishment and the umlaut.

  4. The positive wishes and prayers for the radiotherapy going well will continue for as long as it takes, and then a bit more to be sure.

    Doug's delight in and attention to detail would have been shocked if he had time to read my previous comment "praying of" (sic). Of course, that should have been "praying for". I don't know how to invoke the umlaut, I am sorry, Noel.

  5. Dear Katie, Doug - and Gen, Sam and Maddie,
    I'm so so sorry to hear this latest news. Lots of love and I hope that you're settling back at home while undertaking the next round.
    Shakira (and Adalya who isn't home right now).

  6. Katie,

    I wrote you a letter last night before reading this post. I will still send it, but I'll add some more to it tomorrow before I do so.

    This is indeed devastating news but hey, don't hang up your boots yet, we are all here for you. I hope it's effective sooner rather than later and that you get that left arm and leg back ASAP. Want to say something inspiring but the most inspiring thing I have is you.

  7. Hi Katie,

    I'm a friend of Adalya & Shakira's & I've been following your incredibly brave & difficult story via your awesome blog.

    I can't imagine what's going through that beautiful head of yours right now (but I imagine it's dressed In that funky pink wig! :) and I know the words of a stranger won't cure you.

    But words are all I have and I want to add these few to the many inspiring messages your friends & family have shared.

    I recently wrote a 'Letter to My 15 Year Old Self' for a Women of Letters event at the National Library. When I looked back, I was proud of the brave young woman I saw. But your bravery is something other. To be faced with such an attack on your body by the Bastard Cancer and to stare it down with wit, literary-flare & buckets of life-force, as you do, is demonstrative of incredible resilience & fortitude. And you will look back and see that when you are 40 (at which point you'll have shoved JK Who? off the best-seller list ;).

    Finally, a Take That, Cancer anecdote to add to all the others: my partner was diagnosed with an 'incurable' form of Non Hodgkins Lymphoma when he was 30. He was given a 5% chance of survival & relapsed within 8 months of his first treatment regime (mega doses of chemotherapy + daily maintenance shots which made him feel like crap every day of his remission). I argued with the pessimistic specialist about my partner's chances of survival & eventually (to get me to shut up, I suspect, he conceded that a cure may be possible but it would be in the zone of 'miracles'.

    That was 11 years ago. Two and a half years ago we proved the doctors wrong again & brought a feisty baby girl into the world. I hope she grows up to have half the fortitude, character and joy of life that you possess, Kate. That would make me a very proud Mummy.

    Blessings, strength & the continuing balm of humour to you & your family, girl. Amandla!! As my South African friends shout. Julie Posetti x

  8. Katie,
    So sorry to hear your news.
    I hope you can get home soon. Hospitals are not fun.
    Thinking of you and your family.
    - FCS

  9. Hi Katie,
    Another wet few days in the nation's capital I hear. Are you near the floods (I presume the hospital is built on higher ground)? Dry and warm here in the West. Wishing you a restful Saturday and Sunday and hopefully the first radio sessions are already bringing some relief as hinted by your secretary earlier in the week.
