Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Back to hospital

Hi all, Katie's secretary (=father) here.

Nothing particularly good to report, she's been very tired and struggling to find the right dosage of pain medications to be fairly pain-free but not intellect-free. We found her oncologist in the hall while at the hospital (having blood taken--Katie that is) and he gave us an ad hoc consult. It looks like she's going into hospital for a short stay so that some tests can be done quickly (as an outpatient it could take weeks). There'll be an MRI and a CT and probably some exotic drugs. As there's no firm diagnosis of the cause of her neuropathy they can't give a timeline for recovery but we should know more in a few days time.

Katie's current condition makes it hard for her to text so don't expect rapid or lengthy replies--if you want to talk, send her a text asking her to ring.

I think that's all for now, I'll post some more (under her instructions) soon.


  1. Thinking of you all. Everything is crossed for some positive news soon. Hopefully, the tests/scans will happen sooner rather than later and that the stay in hospital won't be too long or arduous. Wishing you nothing but good news, Katie. Lots of love to you all. S xxx

  2. Oh no. That's not good news :(
    Katie - I'm so sorry to hear this has happened.
    Cancer just sucks :(
    Thanks for letting your Dad update us with how you're going - I hope things get resolved soon.
    - FCS

  3. I'm sorry to hear that you're still having a rough run. Thinking of you and yours...

  4. Katie,

    Well done on getting you-know-who to be your secretary. You've achieved what no-one else on earth has managed. Just watch him on the blog — he's showing an early tendency to add fiddly bits ;-)

    Sorry to hear you've been having a very awful time with the pain. Really hoping it gets sorted out for you soon; not good. All in the West are thinking of you and sending the good and healing vibes your way.
