Monday, March 26, 2012


Surgery went fine. We got there, and did a lot of waiting. I went in and they got a vein first time(!). Its in the visibly veiny side of the wrist so he used a local cos it's verrrrry painful having needles there.

It was my best waking up experience post surgery so far, though I was very confused for a few moments. When I woke after surgery in the ecovery room I thought I was still pre op and then were still in the process of putting me to sleep. This would have been very funny, except that it changed how I responded to questions about my pain levels. They would ask and I'd giant it was better than it was and that I didn't need anything because I thought I was about to be unconscious anyway!

Anyway I worked it out and the battle for the day begun- get the pain under control. Or really, work out how to communicate what I need to the nurses since my 1-10 pain scale seems quite different to theirs.

What I wound up with is a button I control that gives me fentanyl, which is very strong and doesn't make you horribly horribly itchy or sick like morphine makes me.

I was moved out of recovery around 4 ish, and the rest of the day was pretty much spent negotiating pain medication doses and levels and nurses and looking at tattoos on tumblr.

I had maccas for dinner and sent some drugged up text messages.

I wasn't going to do ny kind of update tonight, except there was a problem. This problem is that for some reason no one wrote up any of my other medication. So I had no long acting relief charted. Which would mean, Iif I were to fall asleep, I wouldn't be pressing my PCA(patient controlled analgesia/fentanyl) every five minutes (the button can only be pressed every five min so you can't OD or anything) and I wouldn't be taking my hydro breakthrough every hour. So I would wake up with no medications in my system after being on very high doses of berry string pain medication for weeks. And I would be in agony. So when I started this we were waiting. The guy actually arriivd about half way through.

He understood the situation and listened and charted it all up and now we're just waiting for them to FIND the pills. They have 8mg but I need 12, so they have to find some 4s as well, which sounds like its proving difficult..

Oh the other somewhat more important news that my completely wiped brains forgot to mention at the beginning is that this will probably not be the only surgery I have this week.

What they're actually hoping to do is put another one in my left leg and also probably something in my right arm too. Sooo.. It's been a very long day.

I'm not in the oncology ward but the one i am in is not far from it. I'm sharing a room with four other people. I don't mind this.

Ahck. It's so late and I've been up since 5 30 and they still haven't brought my pills. Poor mum, she's here too, going to sleep in the lounge near here I think. Once I get my pills. It's difficult, it's been a very busy and stressful for the nurses, there was a death just around the corner from this room.
I hope they find it soon so I can sleep.
I hope this blog makes sense and all that.


  1. Katie, you are one amazing young woman! The blog made sense. Even though a couple of words here and there were obviously not the correct words, I could work out what you were saying. I hope the pain is kept under control...push that is good to know you can't OD and will get the right relief. I hope you and Gen both got some sleep last night. Love to all...Sandra

  2. Good blog Katie. What frustration, pain and discomfort you are enduring in your battle to get these things seen to in the hospital. I hope they're getting this sorted for you so you can have some restful sleep.

    Your comment about maccas and text messages made me smile — it could have come straight from a John Birmingham novel.

    It's impressive the way you're coping with this round of surgeries. You have great fortitude, which is not to ignore the daily challenges you talk about and sound bloody hard to deal with. Well done for your Bradmanesque ability to keep knocking them over the boundary ropes for fours and sixes (weird analogy as I don't think you play cricket but I hope you get the meaning).

    Cheers, Mike

  3. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
