Friday, March 23, 2012

Quite a lot of information, but not a lot of energy.

So there is a fair bit to say I think, but I'm so tired so it may not be very clear but here goes.

Had the PET scan on monday. Saw oncologist thursday. Tumours in brain are showing no activity so they're dead or sleeping or just not doing stuff so thats a big positive. It'l take some time for the cells to all be moved away which they will hopefully all do but its so great they aren't active.

Scapula still showing some activity I think, and there is also activity in two littler spots in my left chest  (plura and mediastinum I think). There is something in my right humerus but I dont think there is anything in the left one. More activity in the neck of the left femur, and two others in my right leg. Its these last two that are the most immediate concern.

Because of the pain I'm in the first plan is to go to radiotherapy for those painful bone spots (right leg: mid femur and pelvis). So with the doc on thursday the plan became: see rad-onc today and get radio sorted to be done over the coming week, but then chemo would need to start monday week to get working on all these spots. The chemo regime would be the IE - the one I had two rounds of near the beginning of treatment. Takes five days, made me rather ill. Because it made me so sick last time it looks like I'l be admitted for each round of this chemo, which will go for between 3 and 6 rounds, once again on a 21 day cycle I think. So a week in hospital, 2 weeks out. After this, if it is proving effective it is likely they will want to do High Dose Chemotherapy. Frightening yes, but I've recently heard a success storie in a case much older than I and so feel much better about doing it.

So today we went in for the planning for radiotherapy which involves a CT of the area and some more little dot tattoos and measuring bits. This all went along fine, except for spending a good 4 hours waiting between/before appointments. Then we got a call tonight from the rad-onc who had looked at the CT scan and was concerned that the bone (not sure if its the pelvis or femur) was in worse shape than we thought. Its good that this level of pain is finally explained, but its a problem because she thinks that, if she isn't just being overly cautious, radio wont be effective enough quick enough and I could suffer a fracture/bad damage to the bone.

So we're to call a number after 9am tomorrow and they will tell us a time, and we'll go back in for a more detailed CT scan of the area with an overnight bag. Then a bunch of people will look at the scan carefully and then they will decide if I need surgery then and there. We aren't really certain what that would entail at this point. We guess there would be a pin involved to strengthen the bone, and I guess removing the diseased bits?

Its entirely possible of course that it wont be so bad as she thinks and it will be radio on monday (hopefully, they're pretty flat out and lots of the machines seem to have been having problems) and then the chemo the following monday.

I'm just deeply exhausted by the news of the last few days. Spending most of my waking time thinking about cooking and tattoos. Or actually cooking and doodling/drafting tattoos. Had the opportunity to see a couple of people recently, and if the bone isn't so bad and its just radio I'l have time/energy/pain coverage to see more people like I keep promising.

If I do have the surgery I dont expect I'l be in hospital long at all its pretty minor I think and I already have a wheelchair, crutches, ramps, special pillows and enormous quantities of opioids so I'l be better off at home.

On a more positive note, my uncle just arrived, and I made an amazing cake last night, and tomorrow my aunt is arriving, and then more relatives are visiting at various times over the next few weeks so there are nice things.

I ought get to bed now, I think I've covered everything important, I'l be sure to let you all know what is happening when we know what is happening.


  1. I'm so glad to read about the brain tumors!

    You're in my thoughts. You have the strength to get through this. Go look at some cute Tumblr kitten pictures and eat cake. X


    Worth a read. Hang in there hun.


    - Myles
