Monday, May 9, 2011

Back to chemo

When we got to the hospital yesterday, there was a lot of confusion, as we thought i was meant to be an in patent over night and then out patient the rest of the week. My dr had somehow failed to book me in as an out patient, which caused the nurses a bit of grief, but they very kindly booked me in for a whole week as an outpatient. So I didn't have to spend a single night in hospital! Which is fantastic. Though being in the treatment room with all the other cancer patients emphasises how young I am, the prospect of spending a whole week in hospital was abysmal.

It wasn't an easy day; due to the confusion I started chemo a bit late and so was the last patient to leave, I didn't sleep well so was very tired and therefore extra emotional. But I got a good nap in.m

Nausea was an issue last night, but I think it was more the memory of my first round of chemo than this round itself as i'd had a lot of anti-emetics. I feel better this morning, not wonderful but a bit better. Hopefully yesterday was the worst day, visits are a bit more difficult. Cant really have more than one or two as its an open space and if i'm in a chair as opposed to bed there is no privacy and little space.

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