Saturday, April 30, 2011


I shaved my head! And I feel much better for it. It was much too depressing and messy watching it fall out, and I dont think I look half bad! Besides, I now have two rather nice wigs; a brown one bought from the cancer council wig place and a GORGEOUS pink shiny one borrowed from a family friend. I will post photos. Plus, I now have heaps of those scarvey things I wear (you know, the ones from the folkie and tree of life) which are great, and this amazing hat (thank you bethany, tess and bethany's dad!). AND a lovely red beret from Hazel. So, I'm pretty well covered (hah).

We saw my oncologist on thursday, who, after calling the solar panel people doing his house and sharing with us all his credit card number, told us the next round of chemo begins monday week. This round will last five days with only one night spent in hospital (thank god). The other days I'l go home and come back for the day and sit in the Treatment Room with lots of old people. This round has different drugs to the last, which is lovely, as these apparently dont count nausea amongst their side effects. Though I'm quite pleased with the weight loss, I really am looking forward to getting my appetite and appreciation for food back so this is quite a relief.

So, chemo is every 21 days for 12 weeks. After that, the main tumour will have shrunk down a whole lot and the little ones will be practically gone. However at this point it is expected that I'l have to undergo some surgery to remove this little bit left in my chest (as at this point it will no longer be responsive to chemo) and radiotherapy to zap the little one in my arm and possibly spine- though not much has been said about that one. After this I get even MORE chemo. Better safe than sorry. Assuming this all goes to plan, that will be the end of my sarcoma.

1 comment:

  1. Hi darling Katie,
    I'm so shocked and sad and glad all at the same time, it's a bit confusing~ Just want to send my well wishes <3 You're an amazing girl, you know that? Keep your chin up, can't wait for the day you can safely look back and call this history.

    Miss you,
    Tinsa xx
