Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I'm eating custard right now so I might call this post "Custard"

Been really well this week. In fact, if it weren't for the fatigue, I think I'd be feeling physically better than I have all year. I think I have greater use of my lung than I have in a rather long time, and its nice not to be coughing and panting all the time. I've lost some weight, though the way I'm eating right now I'll have put it back on before monday comes round. I've made my way through a fir few foods I was missing a lot. Its nice.

Back into treatment on monday, but just for three days rather than five. Its three chemicals this round (like the first time) and they're meant to be a bit stronger than the last lot I think. So I think I can expect for the nausea to last longer, even though its two less days. After day 14 (when my immune system is recovered) I'l have to have daily blood tests for a few days leading up to a stemcell remove-ee procedure. Sounds gross, they take out a whole lot of blood, take some stem cells, then put the rest back again. I never thought I had a problem with blood, but there is something just yucky about the whole idea. Apparently it takes a few hours and I may need a second internal port like thing put in to access the right blood. its all a bit involved, and in the middle of my good week! Ahhwell, it apparently important to have them as an option if there is blood production related problems further down the road. So next rounds good week may not be as good as this time, and I may not see as many people as often next round.

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