Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Chicken and mandarin

Well, its been a rough weekend recovering from last round chemo. Today I'l be brief as I'm tired but want to keep people updated. My phobia of needles has disappeared and instead I now have a horrendous conditioned response to pills. That was a problem in my recovery, as when you're sick all the time you cant eat or drink much... and so become very dehydrated. I had to have a litre fluids on saturday, which helped and today we approached another hospital visit, but sleep an drugs helped me get some waterAND food down. I had chicken, and then polenta. Chicken and as it turns out mandarin juice are great for the flavour problem (things taste really salty, as opposed to the usual chemo metal mouth).

My hair is very thin so I actually look properly like a chemo patient now, and am continuing to lose weight. However as I recover my physical strength my mental fortitude slowly returns in the face of more treatment in a week and a half. Tomorrow through to sunday are the days my immune system will be at its weakest, so if I do feel up to company, please please do consider any colds or coughs and stuff.

Day time television is driving me crazy. No, not the oprah or infomercials or constant runs of Friends (a little is enough) not even seeing the main stories of the day over and over and over and hearing politicians say silly things over and over- its the FOOD. EVERYWHERE there is food. Im going to update my "When Im better Imma Eat:" list and find some list widget or something and attach it to my blog. I cant wait for pancakes and huge burgers and pasta and ragu and wagamama and green curry and tofu and black bean sauce and mongolian lamb and pumpkin salad and toblerone cheesecake and ahhh... at this point I can feel my lorazepam hitting me its time to go to bed. Goodnight


  1. Aww Katie, I'm thinking about you all the time. I know everyone keeps saying how amazing you are but it really is the truth.

    If you find that day time TV (and all its food) is too much then I'm sure Evan will hit you up with pretty much any TV show/movie you can think of. He's good like that.

    Love love love xoxo

  2. You have my word katie, when you're ready to eat again I will personally bake you a chocolate baileys cheesecake and we will sit down, with a spoon each, and eat like kings. Assorted other lovely people welcome as well.

    All my love,
