Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Well I had the second lot of this chemo, which includes a second, nastier drug. It made my very ill the day after, and left me a bit queasy for a few days after that. Very unpleasant, but thankfully short lived. I think it was last tuesday that I was discharged? Maybe. Actually I think it was later in the week. I cant quite remember, I've been in and out of hospital a lot anyway. Because my bloods are so precarious I have to go in every monday wednesday and friday for blood tests and on saturday I had a platelet transfusion. Still covered in bruises though! Its nice not to have to worry quite so much about the slightest of cuts though (platelets are the things in your blood that makes it clot, and so stops cuts from just bleeding and bleeding.

However I have now bounced back pretty well, better than was expected of me I think actually. The reaction to chemo was thought at first to possibly be an infection, which was concerning since I was quite neutropenic for a few days, but all but one of the dr's are confident it was the chemotherapy.

I have the milder chemo this thursday, and then the nasty one again next thursday. The positive thing is I dont have to take mesna (the hideously disgusting pills of which I have to take 10 and feel sick just thinking about now) with either drug, which means doing them both as an outpatient will be alright! Well, the first at least. I have hopes that they will just load me up with drugs for the second one, and its also possible they'll weaken/lessen the dose. Which I have mixed feelings about. I think it was already at 75%. I mean, we still want it to work. Though its easy now I'm feeling ok to say I'l tough it out, at the time it was pretty unpleasant.

Pain is pretty well under control, on a greatly reduced dose, which is swell. I've had some pretty intense fatigue though which has made managing more than the necessary appointments and some home cooking a bit difficult. However that seems to be getting better and this coming chemo should hopefully not knock me around too much so I should eventually be getting out a bit more.

1 comment:

  1. Great news on the bouncing back and on the pain control situation, Katie. Hopefully, the next round will result in the same bouncing back. It's great to hear that you have been able to do some socialising and cooking. I believe you also have had a visitor from the west. All positive thoughts coming your way for the next round. Love to everyone. Sandra xx
