Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Busy few weeks, which I cant remember well enough to tell you about. Sorry!

So I had more chemo and a bone strengthening thing and these things plus the disease itself and radiotherapy seem to have left m bloods pretty shaky, so there was stuff that had to be done about all that as well as a lot of work on pain management. It seemed I'd built up a tolerance to the opiate based analgesia I think, so I got put on a syringe driver? I think? Anyway. Ketamine and hydro pumped in via butterfly needles in my thigh. Very drowsy making but excellent pain cover, more cut down each day! Hopefully I'll get down to a low level and be able to switch back to oral analgesia.

And the bloods are now doing better today it seems-  neutrophils back up to non neutropenic levels and haemoglobin and platelets up post transfusions. Onco hopeful that I can have chemo on thursday again after all. Hopefully it'l it time itself nicely and I'l be well enough to do things like leave hospital for more than 6hours periods  on the weekends! And then I dont know what happens. Yup.

Will try keep you updated better, but as several friends pointed out recently that I should point out... its not really my priority. I know people want to know whats going on and I appreciate all the concern but there is a line between demanding pressuriness and concern as it turns out. so I will continue to write as I can.

Hope everyone is well ad thanks for the comments from the west, always appreciate messages on this blog <3


  1. Busy and intense time for you. Glad to hear the pain cover is starting to actually cover again, bloods are improving and chemo is on again. Here's hoping oral analgesia and >6 hours sans-hospital are just around the temporal corner. BTW it's our privilege to hear news from you, in your own inimitable style (?idiom), and only when and if you want to and feel well enough to do so.

    Weather fine in the West with a not-really-fresh-if-you're-in-the-national-capital 22 today. This message contains some of those rays of sunshine, encoded into the dots over each lowercase 'i'; they look slightly golden when you turn your screen to a certain angle...

    P.S. Really interesting doco on ABC's iView I've been watching — don't know if you can get iView in hospital. Martin Scorcese setting out the life of early American director Elia Kazan. It's mostly set in the days when the world was only coloured in greyscale, but still interesting.

  2. We are always happy to read your blogs, but you must definitely not feel the slighest pressure to update. We all know where your priorities are and where they absolutely must be. All the cousins and aunt keep in touch with each other here in the west and we all consider it our privilege (as Noel Edge points out) to hear your news. Good news on the pain coverage situation. Hopefully, that will continue and you will be able to get home for a weekend (or longer) very soon. LOL (and you know what my idea on that is) to everyone.

  3. It's Friday night of a busy week of interesting work on a capital visit. But the highlight was spending Thursday evening with yourself and family, a typical night-in by the heater, with a TV show, a bit of chatting and joking, and most essentially a chocolate or two. It's been quite a few months since we've met in person; by bad lack when I was in the capital you were in hospital or not well enough for visitors. So I had to make do with catching up with your Dad.

    Who would have guessed we have in common a like of English reno shows, and a perplexed disdain at the meaning of Rieu? Of course, our views on the latter must pale into comparison with those who invented DVD technology only to see it put to such uses :-) It's what systems analysts call "perverse outcomes".

    I'm never sure how to sign off. Can I simply say (note: means long-winded, well intended sentence will follow) that I can sense your quiet resolve as you keep pushing along on this journey, tough though it is, and I was impressed and inspired by how you're dealing with it, and just happy to see that your sense of humour and self are ever present. I celebrate that, and wish you well in the treatments that are coming up soon. See you again. Go well and we go with you!

  4. Lots of love to you and the family, Katie
    from Shakira and Adalya
