Sunday, June 10, 2012

Cotton wool

Since sometime last week I've been having a lot of pain in my neck, in my jaw and for a while a terrible and relentless headache.  It was just a few days after we'd reduced the dex dose, and sure enough when we went back up to 3mg the headache improved dramatically. My neck is better than it was, but my jaw still hurts and my ears feel like they have cotton wool in them! Could it be my wisdom teeth? Maybe they're swelling and making me a bit deaf..? I dunno. But its really annoying. Apparently there is something to do with vit D and hearing. Maybe thats a thing. But thats when you have a deficiency and I'm on supplements right now. Well, I just hope its not a sign of anything more serious. I dont exactly have the best luck. Usually when I have a new pain, its a bad sign.

I'm a bit sorer in all my other spots as well. I hope this is due to my being more active around my house and opting to walk rather than be wheeled about and not  because things are getting worse/spreading or because my body is rapidly adjusting again to the doses of analgesia. Its probably the former. It is great to be walking about again though, even if with the return of pain in my hips and legs I'm back to walking kinda funny.

I had a blood transfusion on saturday - I think my port has moved again because it took three nurses five attempts to get the needle in the right place! Not really an issue, just means it'l be super bruised when they access it again tomorrow to take blood. They have to do a lot of poking and prodding and have to press down to hold the port still through the skin so they can get the needle in the middle, more so for me than others as its quite deep and they cant see it at all.

Had a lovely day with a visiting relative last week, and have 2 more visiting from tomorrow for a week, so yay more easy socialising and people to cook for. I'm doing some cooking most days - we bought a breville wizz yesterday! Very exciting, especially for those of us who tire of mixing rather quickly. Its quite pretty, not as lovely as the big red one that cost like $800 from the fancy brand, but it matches our toaster and kettle and I dont think we'll use it often or professionally enough to justify spending that much on it.

Next chemo is thursday, and its the nasty one. I'm a lot well-er generally than I was last time so hopefully I wont get so ill. If not I'l just have to wait it out I spose, as one does. I really wish life had a fast forward button. When you're feeling that unwell and there's that added anxiety of what if I can keep my pills down/get dehydrated/actually have a nasty infection rather than a reaction to chemo and should be in hospital right now, its pretty difficult to stay positive and one does tend to feel quite hopeless. I used to do a fair bit of meditation - I'm not certain why I stopped, I guess I got too tired. But I keep thinking I should make more of an effort to practice that. It would certainly help.

Its frustrating with all these COT (community outreach team) appointments trying to organise seeing friends. My bloods are so unpredictable you never know if I'l be called back and have to spend several hours getting bloods, or if it'l just be 15 minutes in the morning with the rest of the day free. Ahh well, I'm gradually improving so hopefully I wont need them for too much longer.


  1. Dear Katie,

    I think a kitchen wizz is a must becaue they make mixing/blending/chopping/slicing (almost everything) so much easier and cooking becomes a joy because your arms don't nearly drop off from mixing, beating, whatever.

    I wish I could 'drop in' and sample some of your of these days I will get to the Capital again. Maybe I will try summer next time instead of winter.

    Hopefully, your positivity has begun to always amaze me with your strength and courage and I hope you can keep that up, even though it must be extremely difficult at times. Good luck with the next 'round'. Love to everyone...S xx

  2. Hey there Katie,

    A lot going on with the blood transfusion and port and feeling cotton woolish. It seems sensible that these arm and leg pains are because of extra moving around. Hard if you're doing a bit of this again after time off from being able to. A great thing to get mobile and a bit of walking is a great thing.

    All hail the new Wizz. It should mean fewer delays between ordering dinner and receiving it :-) I feel classier just for knowing someone like you with matching kitchen accoutrements. Will be visiting the capital this week and hope to catch up if well enough. I'll check with Mr Fiddly Bits for details re: if and when. And if I don't see you I'll be thinking of you on Thursday with the next chemo. Until then I hope you can get in a bit of walking here and there.
