Saturday, June 16, 2012

Not so bad

This round hasn't made me sick! I'm very tired and dont get much sleep, but its absolutely nothing in comparison to the last time I had this combo of drugs. Which is indescribably wonderful - not only does it mean I get this time with my aunt and nana but it means my mum gets time with her sister and mother rather than having to take care of me. Also great not having to be checking my temp every 30 min like last time hoping it doesn't hit 38 (which would necessitate a trip to the ER).

So its actually been a fairly pleasant weekend with the exception of my mood being a bit crazy of course with the fatigue and the increased dose of steroids knocking me round that bit extra. But again its all going much better than we could have hoped. I'm kind of afraid however that it means they put the dosage down without telling me, and thats why its gone so much better, giving me false hope for future rounds and a less effective round of treatment. I dont think my oncologist would have done that though. And I'm pretty sure all decisions like that have to go through him. Me also actually I'm pretty sure.

Anyway, thought I ought let everyone know I'm doing ok, just really tired. There really needs to be another word in there somewhere for describing chemo fatigue. Or I guess generally medically induced fatigue. I dont think you can effectively communicate the exhaustion you sometimes feel properly to people who havent experienced it.


  1. Hey Katie,
    That's great news and I hope the past few days has been similar for you.I'm sure you're right, your doctors would have said if the dosages were being adjusted. So, as a person (i.e. you) sagely wrote once — that is the world as it is (right now).
    I checked the med-sci lit and could only find "chemotherapy-related fatigue" as a term. The field is wide open for your terminological contribution. Seriously though I hope the fatigue is lessening by whatever means works you (?maybe different on different days).
    Some interesting comedies (sort-of) on ABC at the moment, courtesy of the BBC. Are you catching any of them? The Caribbean one I like but I'm still pondering on the Warwick Davis show... Stay well and warm but not 38C.

  2. Glad to see this upbeat post, Katie. Warm thoughts to you and the family, from (cold) Melbourne.
    Shakira and Adalya
