Monday, April 9, 2012

Still here

Still in hospital and if the osteo's have their way i will be till thursday. Im not certain i can do that if im honest, its already my longest stint in hospital and im pretty stir crazy. i went outside for the first time in over 2 weeks today. i dont know really if it helped my mood or upset me.

My right leg is strong enough now that i can stand without (human) assistance! Though i still need a wheely-arm-support-walker thing to move at all. Saturday was the best day pain wise i think, since then my thighs have gotten sorer and sorer really, but its the healthy to be expected type of pain, the type one would usually get after three surgeries and a week of chemo in the space of two weeks. So thats good. "To be expected" aches are infinitely preferable to shooting searing nerve back/leg pain or mysterious hopefully just nerves reconnecting burning sensation back/chest/arm pain.

The main hold ups with getting me out  of here are A, the top wound on my left hip is still oozing. Its funny now i type that that must sound super gross to everyone out there, but too bad im too tired and too drugged to omit moderately squirmy details. Anyway, the 2nd 2 surgeries (right humerus, left femur) were done with staples as opposed to dissolvable stitches (christ knows why). So yeah they're looking pretty frankenstein (dad and  took a pic of one but il spare you that for now hah) and the top staple on the top left (legs each had 3 incision points; hip, thigh and knee) is still omitting some fluid. So they're putting off taking all the staples out, though the others could probably all come out now (they say between days 10 & 14 for stiches/staples, monday was day 11). Then they could stick on a vac dressing (special dressing of some kind) then I could go home! ...If  not for

B, Actually getting me anywhere poses a challenge. Getting into our car sounds about as easy as breaking into the whitehouse actually. Id need be in the passenger seat but without using my right arm or...either legs too much. And just generally there is concern over how id manage the house. Id still require a lot of assistance. Which is such a nightmare. Its not so bad now i dont need 2 people present just to stand but its endlessly frustrating how the most basic things require so much effort and attention and planning (gotta judge pain levels and required dose of hydro and how long and blah).

I've actually been having problems with blurred vision in my left eye again which  is concerning. But they  dont feel its worth upping the dex dose without any other symptoms. Since it isn't that bad and dexmethasone really is that bad, everyone is keen to continue slowly dropping the dose little by little. The dex makes everything that much more stressful among other things, so I;m happy to trust thm and go with it.

My phone is currently without internet or credit and because Virgin mobile is pathetic it may be a few days before i can manage communication more direct than this blog.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Katie, I am was so sorry to read that blog just now and see that you are still hospital-bound. It must surely be that things will start to get better now...bones all healing with their pins insitu and staples almost ready to come out. By the way, I hope they come out as painlessly as mine did when I had my hip replaced. I had 22 staples that came out in two separate sessions. I think one was about day 7 or 8 and the other day 10 (from memory). Staying strong and positive is your forte, Katie...keep it up. Lots of love to everyone. S xx
