Thursday, April 26, 2012


Some nasty back pain a few days ago lead to a significant increase in my amitriptyline dose.  This has left me very dozy for several days to the point where I fall asleep mid sentence and wake myself up talking in my sleep it seems.

Only just starting to feel particularly chemoee this afternoon. My haemoglobin and platelets were both down a bit; not so much as last round but enough to justify the 25% reduction in dose of chemo. Something I have mixed feelings about.

I know I made grand promises about some great long post putting the last number of weeks in order. Unfortunately after a confusing nap this afternoon which began with sunshine, mum and probably drug induced fatigue and ended with chemo brain, dad and twilight I dont feel like I have a very strong grasp on reality.

I'm sad I felt so tired pre chemo fog, I had just finally begun the next book o Game of Thrones, and now I'm not likely to continue again until next week.

There was a days delay with starting chemo, and then about 6 hours hanging round hospital the next day waiting for a room. Someone forgot I'm still on contact precautions so they'd found me a shared room. The room I have got though is huge and has a fold out couch and everything. Shame its for chemotherapy.

Though back pain has subsided, the shoulder pain is still there and there is now another pain in my shoulder bone which I'm hoping will be explained by an xray I had today (though taken for my right lung it should with any luck have got all the chest and any issues up there.

I have a great deal of independence of movement though which is nice, despite being hooked up to this or that at all hours it makes a big difference to be able to get up by yourself.

Well, the food the hospital delivered tasted like detergent so I'm off to see what dad wants. Hope every everyone is well enough.

P.S FCS I've only just worked out how to decline/accept requests - if you're still on t.witter much you should feel free to add me again but I may need help recognising you as you
P.P.S I'm afraid my twitter isn't available to relatives or many people I know IRL.
P.P.P.S. Nanna I have your rock with me much of the time <3
P.P.P.P.S. Dear friends I still have no credit, just a couple of free sms's from an online service for emergencies and things x


  1. So glad to read that you're moving around better! Must make a world of difference. Hospital food is rarely good. There's a great Indian place near one of the public hospitals here that gets a lot of business. ;)

    My housemate just finished reading all of the Game of Thrones books, only having started a fortnight ago and she's bemoaning having to wait forever until the author publishes a new one. It's not my style but sucks when a good thing comes to an end. Drag out your reading!

    Hope the weekend treats you well, Katie. Xx

  2. Hi to all, thinking of you and hoping you are feeling better and you are getting some decent food. Take care. Love Sandra (from Carnarvon) xx

  3. Hi again Katie - just to let you and your family know that we're thinking of you, down here in Melbourne.

  4. Thanks for sharing all this Katie; that Amitripyline stuff must be super strong. And you deal with it well enough that you later write about it. That you can write so well as you have above tells me you have a good grip on reality, even though it may not always feel like that. I hope your pain management team (you had a chance of staff a couple of months back, yes?) are getting onto the pain issues since you wrote this entry and you're feeling more comfortable.

    Re: Game of Thrones (a book title that to older generations sounds like a weird sequel to the Kenny movie). I hear this new tome (vol 5 ?) is a big one. I have seen it in the shops and as a scientist I can see that it has been specifically designed for situations such as yours — thanks to it's mass and aerodynamic profile — to sit patiently, quietly,regardless of local wind speeds, strength of air-conditioning, and earth tremors and wait until the owner/reader is ready to take up the reading cudgels again. I think some of the earlier vols are now TV shows but I haven't seen any.

    Great to hear you're moving independently; + or - attendant devices, it's all good. I hope that's you are able to keep getting a little more strength of movement and independence each day.

    Would I be right in guessing that the detergentic cuisine is a side-effect of various treatments rather than the hospital's latest culinary adventures? I hope that's sorting out too.

    All the best for the week ahead :-)

  5. Hi Katie,
    Hope you're well and chemo is going well....are you onto the next cycle now?
    I've been a bit late in posting to your blog...sick child and work commitments have kept me WAY too busy for social networking :(
    I'd never used Twitter before because none of my friends used it so I mostly used FB to keep in contact with people! I'll admit that when I learnt you had a Twitter account I was thinking that maybe I'd try it out because I finally knew someone who actually used it so I could see how it worked etc etc :)
    Anyway my username starts with aussie and then the number of children I have. Hopefully that will make sense to you. But I'm okay if you don't want to add me - I'm just some random internet person - and you might want some personal space :)
    Hoping you're going okay otherwise. Warm wishes heading south to you in the capital :)
    - FCS

  6. Hi Katie, I see that there has been very cold, cold weather where you are. Even freezing in the mornings. Still just warm enough here for beach swimming. Hope you're keeping warm and well. Best wishes and ultra-uber-vibes of positivity and health from all in the West.
    Signed, N. Edge ;-)

  7. Hi Katie,
    I chatted with your Dad yesterday (I think you were nearby at the hospital) and he said you might be home for the weekend. I hope that's what happened and you and the Lazy Boy/Child are reunited next to the heater and a good show on TV (well, probably a DVD if you look at today's program). I'm sure you'll be back home soon on more than just a visiting basis, and I wish you strength and good cheer in working towards that. We in the West send our love, support and the excess sunshine that is aseasonal. Cheers, NE.
