Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Two units of blood later

I had an ultrasound of my left thigh today and though haven't heard back yet, I should be going home tomorrow. Apparently they've already done my discharge notes and the lady from the pharmacy has already been through alllllllllll my pills and things with me so I'm assuming the docs have had a look and are happy with what they saw (no worrying collection of fluid/infection/no need to operate or stick me with any big needles).

Oozing stopped soon after the staples were out yesterday it seems. Everything feels much better. I'm not really using the crutches in my room to move around and get up, and have for most of today and yesterday not been attached to an IV so after waiting in a corridor for 2 hours around my ultrasound I got dressed in real clothes and was wheeled down to the cafe to have lunch with my parents and some family who are down from Queensland! I was afraid I'd miss their visit entirely it was lovely. Especially since I didn't have to eat hospital cafe food and mum instead brought stuff from dobinson's (an excellent pastry shop).

The combination of having the staples out, greater freedom of movement, family, good food, being out of my really rather quite dark room and the hopes of escaping soon made for a pretty great improvement in my mood. Felt pretty normal at lunch, which is a nice change. With all these drugs in my system the strangest or simplest or silliest things send me into floods of tears or make me extremely irritable. All the time. Which frustrates me and makes me cry more. In fact just typing this brought me to the brink of tears.  Tedious! At least I have some eyelashes now to help with that.

The super soft almost-could-be-a-haircut-hair I had before radio is now gone - though I still have eyebrows etc. Though if they're going to come out I wish they'd do it now so I dont have the bother of fixing them up. I cant wait to start looking like myself properly again. That'l do wonders for my mood too I think. My face is very puffy still - not as bad as it was but still. Eyebrows all funny and all pale. The hospital gown and too-big-for-me dressing gown dont help really either. At least I'm not walking with an old person frame or like a baby t-rex like I was before the surgeries. Now, if I walk with one crutch, I feel more like Dr. House than anything, which I'm much more comfortable with.

So I just finished watching the BBC Sherlock Holmes with dad. Yeah I know we're a bit late to the party, but gee, that was pretty good actually if anyone else out there hasn't gotten to it yet. Thank goodness for laptops. I think I'd go absolutely mad in here if it were the 90's or something, since so much of the time I'm too tired to read in here. I seem to always be on heavy duty pain killers and/or anaemic when I'm in here. Not to mention chemo.

I'm sure there are actualy more imporant medical details to share with you than sherlock but I'm going to go to bed now and I'l remember whatever I've forgotten tomorrow. At home :)


  1. Hopefully, you are at home now! Cheers and hip, hip hurray. Now you have me very keen to watch the Sherlock DVD which a kind neighbour downloaded for me. She has put seasons 1 and 2 on the disk...all I need is the time to sit and enjoy. If you haven't had both seasons, let me know and I will send the disk over. Keep the good news coming! Love to you all, Sandra xx :-)

  2. Oh dear. Another week has gone by since you wrote this. I do hope that the lack of news is because you are home, back in your own bed and enjoying having your life back to yourself rather than being run by nurses/doctors/physios/blood collectors/ladies who change the water/people bringing food/etc etc etc.
    Hope you are as well as you can be at the moment in this stage of recovery :)

  3. Hey there Biccy, how goes it? Finally got to meet Sandra today; she's lovely and has a super nice photo of you on her fridge. Good to hear you got home for a bit so we hope all is continuing well in the way it has.

    I too liked the new Sherlock Holmes show. That last episode, what happened at the end? It has me beat.

    If you need any vitamin-D to help recuperate I can send you a jar of WA sunshine. It's crazy weather here — still warm enough to swim in the ocean (well, it rained a bit today but generally it's still good).

    All here are continuing to manufacture, package and send to you over the ether a tonne of good and healing thoughts. You're always very much in our prayers, our thoughts and our hearts.

  4. Now, there's a sneaky thing....I did not know you noticed the fridge! I wonder if you also noticed the lovely family shot (of the same but younger family) in a frame on the wall unit opposite where we were sitting, Mr Edge.

    Ditto to the good and healing thoughts...candles and prayers also. LOL, or is it lol, or LoL...I'm never quite sure, but I like to think it means "lots of love". xx
