Friday, April 6, 2012

Doing much better on the pain front! Back pain barley there - its all a bit confusing. Several different theories about why that was happening. Now that has passed/is sufficiently covered I'm feeling the surgery site pains a lot more. Though of course its not nearly as bad as the back pain - really I had a very good day.

Not much to report except frustrations involving dex doses and the fact I've slept for the majority of yesterday and today. Just so full of chemo. Chemo brained, but not sick, which is incredible.

Tomorrow is the last day of treatment and I have the option to go home that night and come back he next day for staples to come out (i think), though the practical choice may be to stay another night. Give the oozing a chance to heal, another 24 hours for my arm to heal enough so I dont need assistance standing, and I dont have to take mesna  pills which are huge and disgusting.

I'm falling asleep as I type, will do more tomorroprobably


  1. Hi there you. A better day is a great thing. Glad to hear of it. Another night in hospital to sort out those few things is probably annoying, but sounds like your thinking very pragmatically.
    And what is it with large pills? Whenever I have them I can only wonder at what happens down at the pharmacy lab. Do the white coat guys never look at the size of each other's neck? Are that day's test subjects sword swallowers from a passing carney? Did Barry ( one of them is always called Barry) lose the small pill mold?
    I guess there are plenty of techniques, and some days work better than others. You'll get find a way with these ones because you have such amazing strength to keep on jumping these hurdles while keeping your eyes fixed on the main prize ahead.
    Here's wishing you another good day today.

  2. Hello to all ... so happy that the pain is less and things are looking better for you. Another day in hospital will already have gone by and hopefully you are home in your own bed, eating family food! If not, hopefully that will come very soon. At least you won't have to worry about those huge pills if you have stayed in hospital for the extra time. Once more, you have amazed me with your strength. Love to all. Sandra. xx
