Monday, September 12, 2011


Very tedious day. Though i had a lovely time with friends last night, I was very tired when I went to bed and slept very poorly. I was bothered all night by someone claiming a vegan diet could easily cure cancer. Which is untrue. Its actually quite offensive to suggest that all the suffering endured by cancer patients is unnecessary, and that all one needs to do is change their diet. It trivialises the whole thing.

I was very tired and grouchy today as a result, a feeling not improved by running late to hospital only to discover they had no record of an appointment for me with the registrar today. I feel deeply unimpressed by the way my discharge was handled. Some of my medication was left off the discharge letter, and there was no mention made as to when I needed to have stitches or dressings removed. Anyway, we organised another appointment for tomorrow and went up to the ward I was in last week to find out about the stitches. They said today or tomorrow, and that they wouldn't do it there.


That of course meant driving back across town to the medical centre to wait forever to see a dr for 5 minutes to take out two stitches. Oh, and have my bald head stared at by a full grown woman. I stared right back at her for a moment after I caught her looking and she averted her gaze. I refuse to be made feel uncomfortable in public because of my illness and if anyone starts making me so, I'l turn it right back on them!

I'm still so tired. I'm trying to take endone less frequently every day, with hopes of sleeping properly soon. The endone means i wake up literally once every 1 - 2 hours, confused and jerky. Its hard to get a proper rest. I might have another nap before dinner.

1 comment:

  1. I have just finished making a voodoo doll resembling the person in the waiting room (or what she is like in my imagination) and sticking pins in it. I thought I had better cease with the pins when her hair started falling out! Eye way to deal with unfortunate people, Katie. I am so glad you are made of special stuff. Love S xx
