Thursday, September 15, 2011

Pathological Fracture

Yesterday I decided t make bruschetta for lunch. I bent down to get a mixing bowl out of the cupboard and felt a horrible pain low in my spine. It went away quite quickly, so I continued with my cooking. Next time I squatted down, aware of my back doing funny things, and on my way back up experienced the same terrible pain. I sat down for a while, ate my bruschetta, and thought perhaps I might go for a nap and rest my back. I got into bed and as a tried shuffling back I experienced a truly horrible, horrible pain. Except this time it didn't go away. I had to sit a cry for a while, and then mum and I went of to the nearest ER. I did a serious of rather unpleasant exercises to test what exactly was hurting. After wards they decided they would like an xray or two to make sure it wasn't anything skeletal- but they assure us it was probably just muscular. The xrays turned up nothing (though we still had to wait 4 hours for the result of course) and I was told I'd be booked in for a CT the next day to rule out a pathological fracture which would be invisible on just an xray

It was a very long night- the first time I've ever experienced pain that I would rank as 10/10. It was difficult getting comfortable, and I need/ed help getting out of and into bed. We eventually headed back to hospital, did the CT and sat around for the mandatory 3 - 4 hours for the results. Its turns out it was a pathological fracture, which explains the pain. The fracture is in my L3 in my spine which has one of the metastasis inside it. This is apparently quite common with bone tumours - it weakens the bone causing it to fracture.

Oncology at TCH has been informed, but they didn't move our appointment with my oncologist forward at all, so they mustn't be too worried. Apparently all there really is to be done is take lots of endone and avoid doing things that cause me pain. Since I'm young it should heal perfectly well, but it may take until I get back into chemo or start radiotherapy to get the tumour itself out of the way a bit.


  1. No more cooking for a while, Katie. Rest up and get someone else to prepare whatever you fancy. I am sure they will all be willing to help wherever possible. Be gentle with yourself....Good luck when you see your oncologist. Love as always ... Sandra xx
