Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Surgery tomorrow, updates will be posted in comment form by my family on the post

But nothing before 12 tomorrow


  1. UPDATE: We took Katie down to the hospital at 6am this morning and saw her off for her surgery. I'll post again when we have news.

  2. UPDATE: [2pm] We've just had a call from the hospital and they said it all went well!

    They did the lobectomy and were able to remove the tumour from where it was attached to the chest wall without having to do a resection (ie they didn't have to take any chest wall muscle, or ribs or anything) so we're happy! We're going to head down to the hospital to see her as soon as she's out of recovery. We'll update again after we've seen her.

  3. Fantastic news! Thanks for keeping us up to date :) :) :)

  4. Amazing news, praying still for her to have good recovery.

  5. Thankyou so much to Katie's family for letting us know how she's going - the news of not needing to do chestwall/rib resection is so good to hear - hope her recovery is swift and she is home soon :)

  6. UPDATE: [7pm] well, we're back from the hospital. After grappling with the hospitals inability to tell us where our daughter was, we got a call from a nurse to say she was heading for ICU. We ran up there and waited and eventually she arrived, conscious, looking good actually, and waving to us!

    We waited for her to settle in, then were allowed to sit with her for over an hour. She was cheery and pleased with how things went. Thirsty and sleepy, but not much pain and reasonably comfortable.

    Katie asked us to say hi to everyone and thanks for all your kind thoughts and words. She's looking forward to being back in touch (and blogging). We'll keep posting updates and will let you all know when she's ready for visits.

  7. SO relieved to hear that everything went well! Also very glad to hear that Katie's relatively comfortable considering. Can't believe she's still thinking of everyone, your daughter is incredible :)Hope she and her body continues to exceed expectations and that she makes a very smooth and speedy recovery. Very eager to visit, dad's back this weekend so he'll also be keen. Thanks so much updating us, PLEASE let me know if there's anything we can do? Love and big hugs to all of you! Sophia

  8. UPDATE: [10pm 2 Sept] more good news, Katie is out of ICU and on a normal ward. She's still not up to visitors but will now be able to blog, text etc so she'll let people know when she's ready for visitors.
