Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Quick update so you know I haven't forgotten the blog!

I'm really tired right now, so I wont give a full update about chemo last week and surgery plans to come, but I thought I'd just say something to keep people form worrying.

I am really well, by monday I was back on my feet and getting out and about and feeling perfectly normal, which is great. Nice to get independence and energy back to a point where I can go out and do whatever the week after chemo. Been seeing friends a lot and keeping busy. Bought the first book of the series Game of Thrones is based off, and so far enjoying that. I've had a lot of trouble reading since chemo- the fatigue comes with a really greatly diminished attention span a lot of the time.

I dont suppose having an iphone helps either. One has the compulsive need to check ones facebook and twitter and email every 10 minutes no matter where you are or what you're doing. Plus i have a bunch of great mindless games on it now too. Having such easy non effort requiring entertainment with me everywhere in my back pocket does seem to make it that little bit harder to put in that bit more effort to read.

But things are going well now last week is over. Mum and I are meeting the surgeon on friday morning so dates will be finalised then and we'll learn more about the procedure I suppose.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update, Katie. I was about to phone Doug to get the latest. Good luck tomorrow. Love to everyone. xx Sandra
