Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Got to admit, its getting better

I've been doing much better since I last wrote. Very little nausea since the last chemo, and my back has been much better! We've cut down to 8mg from the 12 what must be a week ago now, and I've had very little discomfort. I'm able to get myself around the house and do a bit of cooking and waddle around in the pool a little! I've been having visits from friends and had some opportunities to wear some of my nice new things I've bought online.

I've been out a couple of times for lunch with mum and my brother, and even gone out to see a comedian. However since I've spent the last few months sitting or lying down my level of fitness is such that I cant really just hang around in town, as I cant walk terribly far before I need to sit down. Despite this though I'm eating pretty normally again and drinking enough so I'm not getting dehydrated every other day as I was.

So I'm doing better, and since I've already had surgery, the back is healing up nicely (hopefully, its not like I can feel it either way) and radiotherapy is probably all done with I'm hopefully over the worst and everything will just get better from now on. My friends and family are all being so supportive and kind - even strangers on the internet who find this blog or my twitter etc are so generous. I've even received a few cards and itunes gift vouchers from some very kind family friends in Perth! (thank you if you read this!). I was talking to my GP the other day and she was talking about a patient they had who was a young man on exchange from china living here alone who was diagnosed with testicular cancer. He was afraid to tell his parents back home because he knew they couldn't afford to come to australia to take care of him or visit, so he dealt with it alone, in a foreign country with no family and all the expenses and travel managed himself... Hearing things like this I just feel so grateful to have the support of my amazing family and friends. The boy recovered fine, by the way. Apparently testicular cancer has a really great prognosis and his family now know.


  1. Another great way to start my day in Perth...yet more positive blogging from you. You are one extremely courageous, positive young woman. Fingers crossed for lots of good weather in Canberra so you can exercise in the pool. Of course, a bit of retail therapy never goes astray. More power to you, Katie. Lots of love always, Sandra xx
