Thursday, November 3, 2011

United states?

So, this blog gets regular visits from people in the US. Other countries in europe too, but heaps more form the US and I'm curious as to if you're someone I know from tumblr? Or twitter? Or maybe a total stranger. Anyway, thanks fo following I suppose? Hah.

Had a pretty rough day yesterday. Was sick a lot for no apparent reason. I was very tired as we had to be up early to get to an appointment with my oncologist. The nasty drug they left out last round, doxorubicin, is apparently all done! It can lead to heart problems, so there is a limit to how many doses you can have, and I've reached that limit apparently. Its to be replaced with another drug whose name I cant remember, which would be excited except that its apparently pretty similar in how it will effect me. Unfortunately since I wasn't feeling all too well I forgot to ask how long it takes to be administered. Would it take a number of days? Hours? Minutes? it would eb great if it was just one dose each round so I could have just the one day each month, btu I mustn't get my hopes up on that front.

I got home and went straight to bed. I slept a few hours and got up and had an antiemetic. This one (maxolon) makes me feel pretty terrible. But it stopped the vomiting. So it was a pretty rough day. But I slept well that night.

Next chemo is next wednesday. Once again just one day. Looking forward to when I recover from that. I'm expecting to be feeling pretty good.


  1. Glad to see you tonight in person and looking well.

  2. It was wonderful to read Noel's comment!

  3. Hi Katie - You haven't updated this for a while. So I hope you're okay and chemo is going okay. I can't remember how many more cycles you have to go. Will it be over for Christmas - hope you might get a break so you can enjoy it properly. Best wishes for the coming week.
    P.S. I'm not from the USA either - just a random internet reader from Australia - don't know you on FB, Twitter or Tumblr either :)

  4. Haha there are distant rellies all over the place! I dont mind at all. It feels good that the blog might get out there, and perhaps help people in some way if they come into contact with cancer in the future.

    Ahh no! What a good user name. Wish I'd thought of that one "Noel"!

    Thanks Anon for that comment, it reminded me of how long it had been since I posted, so here we are, new post up :) Thank you for reading!

  5. Hi Katie - thanks for posting the updates. I'm not sure how to create an identity to post. So maybe I'll just sign mine FCS - see posting above for why :)
