Friday, October 21, 2011

Difficult week

Its been a difficult week, I was quite sick up until wednesday. We went in for chemo but I was much too ill so they gave me a few bags of fluids instead, and tried to get me a room. None was available though so we came back the next day instead. I was feeling better, but we had to wait for a doc to be available to review me and make sure I was up to it before I could start. So, we spent about 5 hours at hospital waiting, when he eventually arrived he said I'd have to be admitted to do it today, and i would be kept in over the weekend. I rejected this idea.

We went back again on friday, did the chemo, and went home. So far I'm feeling ok. Haven't really been sick a few days, and without the nastiest and most time consuming drug involved I'm coping ok so far. Very tired though and feeling irritable. So extra glad I'm not in hospital. That'd be a nightmare.

We go back in tomorrow morning for more fluids and a review. Hopefully I wont get much worse than I am now and wont need ot be admitted. Hopefully we've broken the cycle of nausea and I'l be able to get on with life and recovery in a few days time.


  1. Good to hear an update. Hang in there. You're in our thoughts (I'm sure I can speak for many on that score). xo :)

  2. Good news from Doug this morning and a wonderful photo. I have printed it in colour to show Aunty Bet. I hope you had lots of laughs at your outing. Love S
