Friday, October 14, 2011


So radiotherapy- not a breeze. When describing the side effects they sort of just mumbled about how there might be some nausea, and it would be nothing to chemo.

Long story short, lots of nausea this week, and LOTs of intense fatigue. I am so very tired. We went in to see my oncologist yesterday and as soon as we'd seen him we were sent into the treatment for more fluids since I was getting quite dehydrated again. That really helped break the cycle of vomiting leading to dehydration, and dehydration leading to vomiting. I dont think I've been sick since actually, which is grand. I'm eating again, and drinking water and ice tea, though am yet to get out of bed today.

My hair (head, eyebrows and lashes) has begun falling out again. Its a tedious process, but at least I dont have to start plucking my eyebrows again! Though short eyelash hairs breaking off into your eyes is not a fun process. And you look even more noticeably sick with no eyelashes.

There is positive news though! My oncologist thinks that I will not wind up having all 14 rounds of chemo (presumably because of the response to the first pre-surgery 6). Also, the next round or two will not involve doxorubicin, which is the nastiest drug, and is the one that makes it tae three days. So next weeks round will now be one day in duration and hopefully somewhat less toxic.


  1. Hmmm Ice Tea :D Peach?

    A few less chemo's sounds like it would be cool. Hang in there. Sending more twittery hugs. :) xo

  2. Fingers (and everything else) crossed that the chemo next week will definitly be one day and far less toxic than previous rounds. What can I add...hang in there and also sending more hugs, although I can't twitter! Love to all as always, Sandra xx :-)
