Sunday, July 22, 2012

mystery pain

I've spent the day mostly just trying to sleep. I was lucky to be quite comfortable still last night and so was able to attend a friemds 21st which was lovely. Unfortunately i woke a few hours into the night with old pains worse and a new burning aching sensation down the back of my left leg. Despite hydro nd  panadol I've had little luck managing it, just better patches where the old pains are less and the new more localised. Hoping for a more solid night sleep tonight, starting with the valium rather than waiting til  i've woken up  a bunch of times to take it.

Apparently the left leg may very well be a result of the new chemo. Nasty aches and pains are among the more common complaints heard by a nurse who came round to deliver some syringes for hydro. so thatd be grand if it werent symptomatic of something more sinister. not loving being so drugged again, though its infinitely superior to the alternative pain/s.

early morning mri tomorrow of  my head and then onc doc later. hopefully a productive and not too uncomfortable day.


  1. Hopefully you have had some decent sleep since this last post. Best wishes for the MRI tomorrow. Also hoping, wishing and praying for a productive and comfortable day for you. Love to everyone. xxx

  2. Hey there Katie, I hope your day is going well. Sorry not to have been blogsponsive of late, but we do follow and send those ethereal vibes your way each day. Hope the MRI went well. I had a shoulder one recently and found the experience to be noisy (like being trapped in a mechanised stack speaker at a grunge concert) and a bit claustrophobic. And the CD I took along to have played during the scans didn't work so I listened to some really bad radio that was mostly blanketed out by the machine noise. Let's hope the R&D folks can solve that one day soon :-)
    Glad to read that you're getting out to the odd 21st party. Does everyone just give iTunes vouchers these days? I hope to read that you've been to more of them. Take care and go well with love and thoughts from all in the West.
