Thursday, July 5, 2012

Did I make the right call?

I didn't sleep well last night. In fact at 4something I lost feeling the the left half of my bottom lip. This was quickly followed by pain in the gum and teeth behind it. As this pain grew worse a headache developed behind my left eye and spread down to my ear area. So I get mum down and have some drugs for the pain, which is by now pretty unpleasant.

How serious is it? How relevant to my cancer? What if it's a dental thing? Weird stuff happens when your wisdom teeth come in right? I don't know if mine have. I never feel. Confident in my counting of my teeth.

Mum calls the link team and they agree with her that we should go in to the ER. Naturally I start crying, and argue that if we went in now (must be 5 30 by now) we would spend the next four or five hours explaining everything over and over to unhelpful dr's and nurses in the ER, waiting for a room in 14b I dont want. By the time anything possibly useful starts happening itl be time for my chemo appointment anyway and we'd have lost half our night's sleep.

So we didn't go. Instead I had hydromorphone every hour and slept in a little more than planned. Our appointment is at 11am as it turns out, so we're going to head in when we're ready. Dad's going to call them ahead of time and explain so maybe a onc doc will hear about it and be able to have a scan booked or an opinion ready by the time we get there.

It all felt a lot scarier at the time. It was a lot like the time I woke up and my left half had gone numb, which was when I had a bleed from the at the time undiagnosed brain tumours. But we waited days that time to talk to someone and that was much... bigger. This time we aren't really delaying at all, assuming I'm right about the waiting.

There have been no new symptoms since the headache. An my left is barley blurry, if it's blurry at all.

I should have mentioned in an earlier blog actually that that has gotten better in the past week, and in the last few days I think my little toe on my left foot is less numb than it has been! All exciting indicators that the brain tumours are decreasing in mass, or at least that the pressure is going down despite our dropping the dex doses weekly now.

I feel more confident about the choice to stay. I guess because I didn't wake up in really bad shape I feel encouraged. It's always a shock though, how quickly things can change. You can be doing really well (or really bad), and suddenly you're wondering if you need an ambulance (or wanting to try making profiteroles).
You don't get used to it, and it makes one feel pretty unsafe. You have no idea what might happen- the discovery of the brain tumours and other mets earlier this year year is the perfect example.

Il post again later and let you know what happens.

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