Friday, June 24, 2011

Tired! Tired tired tired!

Between Sydney and the beginning of round four of chemo yesterday I was doing pretty well; I got out of the house a lot and saw friends and discovered a new cafe and ate some lovely food. On tuesday of this week we had a meeting with my oncologist to discuss the sydney trip and what our doc thought of the sydney doc's suggestions. My oncologist agrees with the sydney doc that there is no literature to sugest that High Dose Therapy would be very effective for someone my age (I'm a bit old, oddly enough). Basically, we're going to go on as we have been.

In three weeks instead of starting my fifth round of chemo I'm going to have some CT and PET scans, and my doc will have a chat with the surgeons who would be doing the procedure and show them the scans/reports and if they're happy to operate (they wouldn't go near the primary site at the beginning) they'll book a date. Its possible that that wont be for a couple of weeks (they get so busy) so if thats the case I'l have the fifth round of treatment after all in that space. I'd like ti think I'd get a break from chemo after that, but considering I had a four day break between the biopsy and the beginning of chemo at the start I dont think its likely.

On tuesday, the iphone I ordered last friday arrived! Its very exciting. My dear friend Hannah is right, owning a smartphone immediately improves your quality of life. Its excellent and very pretty. And matches my macbook beautifully.

I started chemo yesterday with lots of antiemetics and my accupressure wrist band, and so far I haven't had any nausea which is fantastic. Maybe its the wrist bands after all? Or maybe its the iphone!! Because I'm going to get the stem cell transplant I'm in a special little room down the end of the treatment room with the others getting the process. I saw one today, as well as a similar process yesterday. People seem mostly to sleep through it. They got the cells all in one go, and the guy was much older than me, so I have high hopes that it will be just the one 5 day procedure.

About half an hour ago mum and dad came home with a lovely digital slr camera. I'm really looking forward to having to energy to play around with it. It's an ideal hobby for me to take up- easy to practice and work out and play with and doesn't take a lot of energy. And its creative, which is something I miss.

But yes, I'm still eating, though I'm extremely fatigued tonight. I was using my iphone for internet for the last 4 hours because I didn't have the energy to pick up the laptop sitting on the coffee table by the couch. After snoozing on and off all this time I'm sitting up and chatting and blogging and everything. But still very sleepy. I hope this is as bad as it gets this round (not likely, but it'd be nice).

Hoping to be up to having visiters a bit earlier this round! And maybe if there are a few days free before surgery a brief trip to adelaide if jane isn't too sick of us.

Hope everyone out there is well and happy and living their lives and everything xx

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katie, Great news about the iPhone and camera. I hope to see some of your "practice" shots when Aunt Bet and I come to Canberra in July. Hopefully, you will be up to a visit from us. We are both looking forward to seeing you (and the rest of the family, of course!)
    Keep strong....lots of love, Sandra xx
