Saturday, July 9, 2011


I am participating in Dry July, which is basically where you stop drinking for the month and people sponsor you, and all the money goes to oncology wards around australia. Now, my participating in this might seem a little strange since not only would I not really be drinking anyway but also because the money raised will probably actually benefit me. But its ok! I'm doing it as part of a team!

My friends Richard and Ellie are my team mates, and they will quite certainly be missin' the drinkin', so that makes up for me a bit, and I suppose i thought if I participated I'd be putting my illness to good use by gaining a bit of extra attention to what is a good cause whether it effects me or not.

Here is my profile page, you can donate here:


at our team page here:

Its really easy to donate and it'd be appreciated on so many levels.


  1. As someone who does not know you personally but found your blog by accident (via another website) I feel I almost have no right to ask how you are. But I have been following your blog for the last couple of months and I do worry that you are okay as you have not posted for a while now. I may be a total stranger but I do hope things are okay with you...

  2. I'm not really sure what to say, you're so sweet. I am fine, I had a post written a week ago but saved it instead of posting, and didn't realise until I went to read your comment!
    I should have another post up tomorrow about this week. Thank you so much for the support and kind words :)

  3. Katie - I was very relieved and pleased to hear the PET scan results were good and surgery is being scheduled. Thanks so much for posting the "missing post" :)
    Something about your blog struck a chord with me - though my cancer was very different to yours and has long passed into something I no longer need to worry about thank goodness - and so I have continued to check in to see how you're doing.
    The internet is a funny thing - but I still believe John Donne's assessment of the interconnectedness of humanity is still true and that we can still care for those who we have never met.
    I wish you only good things and positive thoughts for the coming weeks.
